Chinese New Year poem (6)

Chinese New Year poem (6) Chinese New Year poems are the poems Chinese poets wrote about Chinese New Year. Chinese poets have written many Chinese New Year poems. On the website, you can read some of the best Chinese New Year poems. The poems are put in separate articles. Each article contains the Chinese version of one Chinese New Year poem and its' English translation. You can copy the Chinese versions of the Chinese New Year poems and use them in your own documents if you want. Through the Chinese New Year poems, you can know more about Chinese New Year customs.


The Chinese New Year's Eve
(South Song) Wen Tianxiang
The country is becoming nothing and time is going away.
I am bearing the winds and rain on the end of the way, and experiencing the snow and frost on the desolate board.
I am dying with the old year, and I have forgotten myself and the world.
I cannot drink Tushu with my family again. I sit in the candle lights in the long night.

Wen Tianxiang is a famous politician, litteratetur and national hero in China. In 1279, he was caught in a battle with Mongolian who were invading China. He lived in the prison of Mongolian for three years and refused to surrende. In December of 1282, he was killed by the invadors. The Chinese New Year poem was written short time before he died. He predicted his death in the Chinese New Year poem.

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