Chinese New Year poem (7)

Chinese New Year poems are the poems Chinese poets wrote about Chinese New Year. Chinese poets have written many Chinese New Year poems. On the website, you can read some of the best Chinese New Year poems. The poems are put in separate articles. Each article contains the Chinese version of one Chinese New Year poem and its’ English translation. You can copy the Chinese versions of the Chinese New Year poems and use them in your own documents if you want. 

Through the Chinese New Year poems, you can know more about how Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year.




Chinese New Year visit

(Ming dynasty) Wen Zhengming
People don't want to meet but send visit cards to each other,
In the morning my house is full of cards of famous people.
I send also several cards as others,
People will rather have virtual rites than simplity.

It is a tradition that people visit the relatives and the best friends in the Chinese New Year festival. However, many like to have large networks, so they can only send visit cards to most of their friends instead of visitting them. The poet expressed that he liked better simplity than virtual rite.

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